essential oils 101 for your faithful friend

what is an essential oil?
An essential oil is the volatile, organic component of plants that give each plant its distinctive fragrance. These are found in all parts of the plant and referred to as volatile because their molecules go from a liquid or solid state into a gas or aroma.
Not all essential oils are safe for your dog, some oils are toxic for your faithful friend and can be harmful. if you are burning incense or oil in diffusers, check these are not on the toxic for dogs list. If your dog has any irritations, has trouble breathing, or runny nose that is not normal dampness, seek veterinary expert advise asap.

Did you know that a dog’s sense of smell can detect emotions in humans?
It is said by Scientists that dog's senses are somewhere between 10,000 to 100,000 times more acute than humans due to the number of scent receptors - for every scent receptor a human has, a dog has 50.
Because dogs are physiologically similar to humans and have a similar number of genes, they also suffer from similar diseases so are used to detect these diseases. When you are sad, fearful or anxious they can pick up on your emotions. For thousands or years dogs have been used for scent tracking so only makes sense when you are exposing them to plant oils that you ensure they are safe.
Faithful Frank soap scents have been carefully selected with all the above considerations in mind. The manufacturing company used has all their certificates and approvals only using the best ingredients and are sourced from reputable sources.
How often should I wash my dog ?
This is dependant on small or large dog, short or long hair – it is always good to refer to the to the guidelines of the breed. Once a month a BATH should be sufficient, as dogs naturally clean themselves by licking, shaking, and rolling and are more hygienic than we think. Always keep an eye out for any grooming habit changes – for instance continuous licking of a paw (this could indicate an irritation maybe from grass)
Your faithful friend definitely needs a little help now and then, especially if they go out and come back mucky or tend to be a bit smelly.
Choose an ideal place to bath your dog and don’t force them into anything that will cause anxiety.
* Give them a really good brush, no-one enjoys knotty hair
* Wash outside on a warm dry day and inside on a cold wet day
* Wet their fur thoroughly
* Always keep soap away from their eyes, ears and nose (wash their face last with a cloth only)
Faithful Frank soap shape has been designed to sit perfectly in your hand and rolls over your dogs sensitive spots with no sharp edges.
Always have good drainage in a soap tray to ensure your soap lasts longer.
Are essential oils safe for my dog ?
This is a good question – not all essential oils are safe for your dog, some are toxic so it is important to know what they are.
Essential oils can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin, which then enters into the bloodstream. Here is a list of essential oils that have been identified as toxic for your dog. If you are using any of the below, look out for symptoms such as, breathing, fatigue, vomiting. Always seek veterinary attention asap.
Tea Tree (a very small % is okay) check with your vet
Ylang Ylang
Pine oils
Faithful Frank soap scents have been carefully selected with all the above considerations in mind, along with the experts in soap manufacturing so you can confidently have peace of mind that the best ingredients are sourced.
What is Glycerin?
You may not be aware, Glycerin is a humectant and it draws water to the surface of the skin and this is the ingredient in the soap that naturally hydrates the skin. Glycerine is a substance that helps retain moisture and this is why it is used in not only soap products but many of your cosmetic products.
Glycerine is a clear liquid compound that is plant based and gentle on all skin types, especially sensitive skin. Glycerine moisturises, calms, and protects the skin.
Here at Faithful Frank, we are staying consistent with our commitment to palm free oil, therefore the Glycerin we use is also Palm Free.
our oils
carefully selected oils have been chosen for the safety of your faithful friend

cedarwood oil
Cedarwood assists with skin irritations, dandruff, along with known anti-inflammatory properties. It is gentle, easily tolerated and good for their nerves. Combining the Shea butter for moisture, and Argan oil which is known for it's anti-inflammatory properties and rich with antioxidants. Cedarwood is also good for hair loss, and can deodorise those smells.

lemongrass oil
With only a couple of drops for that fresh citrus smell, this repells fleas, ticks and parasites and good for their skin. Lemongrass is antibacterial and assists with skin irritations. Combining the Lemongrass with the Manuka Honey to sooth the skin, and the Neem oil that is a natural pesticide. Neem oil assists with anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and skin allergies.

frankincense oil
Dates back to 500 BC and is a mildly potent used widely in dog care products from assisting skin healing and is anti-bacterial. Frankincense can relax your dog, along with being helpful for ear infections and allergies. Combining this with aloe vera for skin healing and yoghurt for moisturising their skin. Frankincense can assist with hair loss.

lavender oil
Our newest creation made with lavender and chamomile extract to assist with skin irritations and provide natural insect repelling. Created with Manuka Honey and Shea Butter to help moisturise and heal skin conditions.
kind words from our customers
"Faithful Frank made my girl the freshest shes been in a while and she absolutely loved being bathed with her new soap. Thank you so much!"
"I used the natural dog soap on one of my griffins prior to a dog show and was really impressed how shiny his coat came up!"
"The soap really really good! It lathered up well and his coat was lovely"
"My dog smells better than me, I might start using this on myself!"